  • 電話(02)7749-1448
  • 郵件信箱fred@gapps.ntnu.edu.tw
  • 2024-2026 第四度榮獲 臺灣師範大學獎勵學術卓越教師 -優聘教授
  • 2023 -第二度榮獲 臺灣師範大學 教學傑出獎
  • 2023 - 榮獲教育部全國大專校院教學實踐研究績優計畫獎勵
  • 2021-2023 第三度榮獲 臺灣師範大學獎勵學術卓越教師 -優聘教授
  • 2020 - 臺灣師範大學 進修推廣學院副院長
  • 2019 - 臺灣師範大學教師教學獎勵選薦 校級遴選委員
  • 2019 - 臺灣師範大學就業博覽會標案 評審委員
  • 2018 - 榮獲 臺灣師範大學 教學傑出獎
  • 2018 - 交通部觀光局觀光關鍵人才-高階主管養成班 授課講座
  • 2018 - 臺灣效率與生產力學會 理事
  • 2018 - 臺灣師範大學大項儀器經費既審查委員會 召集人
  • 2017 - 榮獲 臺灣師範大學 教學優良獎
  • 2017 - 教育部學海築夢計畫 審查委員
  • 2017 - 臺北市政府體育局運動場館委託經費管理督導 委員
  • 2017 - 臺灣師範大學校務基金委員會 委員
  • 2015-2017 第二度榮獲 臺灣師範大學獎勵學術卓越教師 -優聘教授
  • 2015 - 科技部專題研究計畫(體育學門、區域學門) 初審委員
  • 2013-2014 榮獲 臺灣師範大學獎勵學術卓越教師 -優聘教授
  • 2012 - 臺灣師範大學運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所 副教授
  • 2009 - 臺灣師範大學運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所 助理教授
  • 2007 - 中國科技大學財務金融系 助理教授級專業技術人員
  • 2006 - 交通大學PMP暨經營管理人才培訓班 講座
  • 2001 - 日盛證券總管理處 副總經理
  • 2001 - 日盛金控個人金融事業群綜合業務處 副總經理
  • 1997 - 美商花旗銀行(Citibank) 消費金融部作業行政處 副總裁
  • 1995 - 台塑集團總管理處 主辦
  • 1993 - 美商聯合利華公司(Unilever) 儲備幹部
  • 方進義(-)。Energy Efficiency Assessment for the Restaurant Chain: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis。(International Symposium on Society, Technology, Tourism, Education and Politics)。
  • Chin-Yi Fang Arthur S. K. Hsiao (2022) Explore the Learning Effect and Course Satisfaction of the Hospitality Revenue Management Course by Developing a Hospitality Simulation System, 2022 Virtual Meeting - Crises and Opportunities Management Conference International (COMCI), Thailand.
  • Fang, C. Y., Biddle, M. & Hsiao, S. K. (2021) Do Situational Interest Matter for Learning Effects and Employability in Hospitality Financial Management Courses? 2021 IEEE International Virtual Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligent Management (SSIM), Taiwan.
  • Chen, C. Y, & Fang, C, Y. (2020, November). Using the Elaboration Likelihood Model to Evaluate the Performance of Travel related Marketing Messages on the Non-travel Social Network for Packaged Tours. In M. D. Tomacruz (Chair), Philippine Research Conference on Tourism and Hospitality, Symposium conducted at the University of the Philippines (On-line Conference).
  • Zhang, H. J, & Fang, C, Y. (2020, November). Exploring the Perceived Value of Augmented Reality and Revisit Intention in Museum. In M. D. Tomacruz (Chair), Philippine Research Conference on Tourism and Hospitality, Symposium conducted at the University of the Philippines (On-line Conference).
  • Fang, C. Y. (2020). Is hospitality finance boring? The link between situational interest, course satisfaction, learning effects and employability in the hospitality finance, The 10th International Conference on Tourism (ICOT2020) (On-line Conference).
  • 方進義(2020/05/16-2020/05/17)。探討信任依戀與重複消費之關係以線上食品外送為研究對象。(運動休閒與餐旅管理國際學術研討會)。國立臺灣師範大學
  • Chang, M. H. & Fang, C. Y. (2019, Oct). Exploring the Determinant of Customers’ Purchase Intention between the Physical and Virtual Channels Sports Hypermarkets. International conference on Tourism and Retail Service Management, Nankai University, Tianjin.
  • Fang, C. Y. (2019, Oct). Development of Measurement Scale of Critical Success Factors of Landscape Restaurants based on Customer-generated content in the Online Restaurant Review Platform. International conference on Tourism and Retail Service Management, Nankai University, Tianjin.
  • Liu, Y. Z. & Fang, C. Y. (2019, Aug). Exploring the Influencing Factors toward Using Online Food Delivery Platform. Asia-Pacific Conference on Management and Business, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Chou C. H. & Fang, C. Y. (2019, Jun). Restaurant profitability Enhancement: an innovative Approach to integrate ProPASH and menu engineering Model. The 7th National Conference and the 1st International conference Organized by Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn university, Huahin, Thailand
  • Lin Y. C. & Fang, C. Y. (2019, Jun). Evaluating the Importance and Performance of Customers in Bookshop-coffee Shop. The 7th National Conference and the 1st International conference Organized by Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn university, Huahin, Thailand.
  • Lin, T. C. & Fang, C. Y. (2018, 11). Exploring the determinants of women’s preferences toward sport marketing messages on Instagram. In C. Ozdiger (Chair), Marketing. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the SMAANZ, Adelaide, AU.
  • Su, T. H. & Fang, C. Y. (2018, 11). Exploring the Efficiency of Sport-Related Trade Shows. In C. Ozdiger (Chair), Marketing. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the SMAANZ, Adelaide, AU.
  • Hsu, C. H. & Fang, C. Y. (2018, 11). Exploring the Antecedents of Choosing Live Streaming to Watch the Super Bowl. In C. Ozdiger (Chair), Marketing. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the SMAANZ, Adelaide, AU.
  • Chang, H. & Fang, C. Y. (2018, 11). Exploring the Impact of Sports Facilitieson Satisfaction and Revisit Intentions for Resort Visitors. In K. Schöttl (Chair), Service quality and satisfaction. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the SMAANZ, Adelaide, AU.
  • Chen, P. Y. & Fang, C. Y. (2018, 11). Exploring the Influencing Factors for Senior Citizens’ Willingness to Pay for Exercise in Sports Centres Outside of Free Welfare Hours. In K. Hoskyn (Chair), Sport & Leisure. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the SMAANZ, Adelaide, AU.
  • Fang, C. Y. (2018, 11). Management Challenges and Benchmarks for Sport and Recreation Centres. In K. Hoskyn (Chair), Sport & Leisure. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the SMAANZ, Adelaide, AU.
  • Fang, Chin Yi (2018), Do Text or Photo Matter for the Marketing Performance of Social Media Message? 2018 Global Marketing Conference, Hotel New Otani Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, July 26-29, 2018.
  • Fang, Chin Yi (2018), What Do Facebook Viewer Want? An Application of Metafrontier for Marketing Message, 2018 Asia-Pacific Productivity Conference (APPC), Seoul National University.
  • Fang, C. Y. (2018, 6). Opportunity from the User-Generated Content: Using Big Data to Analyze the Determinants of On-line Popularity of Landscape Restaurants, PIM 1st International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • 方進義(2017/08/16-2017/08/16)。Do the On-line Star Rating or Physical Star Rating Matter for the Efficiency of Tourist Hotels?。(Tokyo International Conference on Hospitality, Tourism, and Sports Management)。Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
  • 方進義(2017/07/20-2017/07/22)。Does location matter for performance of sports center?。(The 13th Asian Association of Sport Management (AASM) Conference)。Yongpyong Resort, Korea
  • 方進義(2017/06/18-2017/06/21)。THE IMPACT OF HUMAN RESOURCE PRACTICE ON HOTEL PERFORMANCE IN THE INTERNATIONAL TOURIST HOTELS IN TAIWAN。(The 23rd Asia Pacific Tourism Association Annual Conference)。Busan, Korea
  • 方進義(2017/05/05-2017/05/06)。Exploring the Determinants of Customers Satisfaction in the Music Restaurant。(2017 International Conference of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure)。Jinwen University of Science and Technology
  • 鄭博元、方進義 (2016), 消費者健康價值觀對有機餐廳意圖行為與願付價格之影響, 2016 The 19th Conference on Interdisciplinary and Multifunctional Business Management, Soochow University, Taipei
  • Fang, C.Y. and Huang, J. H. (2014). Do the Tourist Shuttle Routes in Taiwan Achieve the Efficient Frontier in Destination Marketing? THE 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DESTINATION BRANDING AND MARKETING (DBM-V), Macao.
  • Fang, Chin-Yi (2014, May). Incorporating the Time Driven Activity-BasedCosting into Data Envelopment Analysis in the Performance Management of Restaurant Chains. 2014 Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference and the 11th Asia Tourism Forum, Hotel ICON, Hong Kong
  • Chen, Sih Wun & Chin-Yi Fang (2013, Aug). Does Aesthetics Matter for AirlinesPerformance? . Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Tourismand Applied Sciences, The University of London, London,
  • Fang, Chin-Yi, Chieh-Ju Chu (2013, Jul). The Impact of dog celebrity type and consumer involvement on the efficiency of Internet banner advertisement in the dog-allowed restaurant. XXVI EURO - INFORMS, the 26th European Conference on Operational Research, Rome, Italy
  • 方進義(2012/07/26-2012/07/29)。Exploring the impact of convention and exhibition on hotels’ profitability and marketability efficiency。(2012 Annual Conference on Global Economy, Business and Finance)。Beijing
  • 方進義(2011/07/22-2011/10/23)。會展活動對觀光旅館經營績效之影響。(2011年海峽兩岸觀光旅遊研討會)。國立高雄餐旅大學
  • 方進義(2011/05/26-2011/05/29)。Efficiency-based Menu Analysis in the Teppanyaki-style Restaurant。(11th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Business, 2011)。Hawaii
  • 方進義(2011/04/14-2011/04/15)。The Impact of Financial Crisis and Policy Deregulation for Chinese Tourists to the Performance of Taiwanese Hotel Industry。(Conference Advances in Tourism Economics)。Portugal
  • 方進義(2010/09/01-2010/09/30)。The Study of Menu Engineering and Efficiency in Japanese-Style Chain Restaurants。(2010 Annual Conference in Asia Pacific Tourism Association)。Macau
  • 方進義(2010/09/01-2010/09/30)。探討中式快餐連鎖店產品分析-菜單工程及資料包絡分析之應用。(「2010全球變局下之管理創新:財務與行銷規劃」國際研討會)。台北
  • 方進義(2010/07/13-2010/07/16)。The Study of Menu Engineering and Efficiency in Japanese-Style Chain Restaurants。(Annual Conference in Asia Pacific Tourism Association)。Macau
  • 方進義(2010/07/05-2010/07/07)。The Efficiency and Productivity Effects of the Securities Firms Mergers-Modeling the Hybrid Zero-sum Gains DEA,。(International Conference of Business and Information)。日本
  • 方進義(2010/05/07-2010/05/09)。Do the Policy Deregulation for Chinese Tourists Affect Tourism Hotel Performance in Taiwan?。(Asia Tourism Forum)。Hualien
  • 方進義(2010/03/01-2010/03/01)。經環境變數調整後之台灣旅館業管理效率研究-產出差額變數調整方法之應用。(2010年銘傳觀光研討會-深耕台灣鍛造文化價值、邁向精緻化國際化之服務性產業)。台灣台北
  • 方進義(2010/01/01-2010/01/31)。An Efficiency Study of Securities Firms-Modeling the Hybrid Zero-Sum Gains Data Envelopment Analysis。(The 4th Symposium on Data Envelopment Analysis)。台灣
  • 方進義(2009/09/01-2009/09/30)。金融海嘯對台灣旅館業的經營效率的影響-共同邊界資料包絡分析的實證研究。(2009 International Conference on the Development Trends of Tourism and Hospitality Industry & Education.)。台北
  • 方進義(2007/11/16-2007/11/30)。Environment and Statistical Noise-adjusted Efficiency under Zero-sum Gains with an Application to Securities Firms。(台灣經濟學會年會暨研討會)。台灣
  • 方進義(2007/06/01-2007/06/30)。A Metafrontier Study of Securities Efficiency under Zero-Sum Gains。(中華決策科學學會年會暨研討會博士論文競賽)。台中
  • 方進義(2007/04/01-2007/04/30)。Do Market Share and Efficiency Matter for Each Other: A Zero-Sum Gains Data Envelopment Analysis。(Poster Session of Tenth European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis)。Lille
  • 方進義(2006/12/14-2006/12/16)。Managerial Efficiency of Securities Firms under FHC。(Globalization and Regional Economic Development)。Korea
  • 方進義(2006/11/29-2006/11/30)。Managerial Efficiency of Securities Firms under Financial Holding Companies in Taiwan。(International Conference on Knowledge-Based Economy and Global Management)。台灣
  • 方進義(2024/08/01-2025/07/31)。搭建會展學術與職場之橋樑-以專案導向學習法結合OKR培育學生在會展職場之就業力。(教育部)。PSK1134667。主持人
  • 方進義(2024/08/01-2025/07/31)。衡量員工感知的運動企業ESG實施績效: 量表發展與驗證-兼論探討ESG績效與員工幸福感、企業績效與員工綠色行為之非線性與線性關係。(國科會)。113-2410-H-003-156-。主持人
  • 方進義(2023/11/01-2024/10/31)。精益求精- 發展集團式運動場館異質性活動課程績效評估模式與實證研究。(國科會)。NSTC 112-2622-H-003-003 -。主持人
  • 方進義(2023/08/01-2025/06/30)。做好事還能賺錢,還是賺錢時才能做好事? 探討運動相關企業ESG實踐與公司經營績效之內生性-兼論研發密度的調節效果。(國科會)。NSTC 112-2410-H-003-129。主持人
  • 方進義(2023/08/01-2025/01/31)。線上遊戲或是實體遊戲有效 ? 以遊戲設計為基礎之餐旅投資與財務管理課程對於餐旅學生深度學習與學習成效及滿意度之影響。(教育部)。PHE1120953。主持人
  • 方進義(2022/08/01-2023/07/31)。探討以OKR、專案導向學習方法、 手 機遊戲與SPSS教學提升餐旅學生修習高級統計學學習效果之影 響。(教育部)。PHE1110070。主持人
  • 方進義(2021/11/01-2022/10/31)。逆境飛翔-基於商業模式畫布並結合聊天機器人、菜單工 程與營收管理規劃之旅館行銷整合策略。(科技部(原國科會))。MOST 110-2622-H-003-010。主持人
  • 方進義(2021/08/26-2022/02/28)。餐旅商業模式與經營顧問。(其他)。。總主持人
  • 方進義(2021/08/26-2022/06/30)。企業識別系統設計。(其他)。。總主持人
  • 方進義(2021/08/01-2023/07/31)。按讚會帶來票房? 職棒球隊Facebook粉絲專頁行銷訊息效率對於觀眾入場人數之影響。(國科會)。MOST 110-2410-H-003-114。主持人
  • 方進義(2021/08/01-2022/07/31)。擴增實境AR融入餐旅成本管理與建立動態式標準食譜之行動研究。(教育部)。PSK1100574。主持人
  • 方進義(2020/11/01-2021/10/31)。結合旅館營收管理與商業模式畫布建構旅館商業模式與 營收利潤管理決策模擬系統。(科技部(原國科會))。MOST 109-2622-H-003-003 -。主持人
  • 方進義(2020/08/01-2021/07/31)。跨域職能提升-應⽤聊天機器⼈於餐旅營收管理課程之學習效果之影響。(教育部)。PSK1090368。主持人
  • 方進義(2019/08/01-2020/07/31)。應用專案管理方法進行會展產業之教學實務行動研究。(教育部)。PSK1080124。主持人
  • 方進義(2019/08/01-2020/07/31)。餐旅產業財務管理相關人才培育計畫。(科技部(原國科會))。MOST 108-2511-H-003-052。主持人
  • 方進義(2018/08/01-2019/07/31)。建立以職涯專案為本位教育(Work Project-based Education)的餐旅營收與利潤課程的教學實踐計畫。(教育部)。。主持人
  • 方進義(2018/08/01-2019/07/31)。餐廳使用者評論之大數據分析-運用大數據與文字分析探討景觀餐廳關鍵成功因素、線上受歡迎程度與顧客滿意度之影響 (2/2)。(科技部(原國科會))。106-2410-H-003 -107 -MY2。主持人
  • 方進義(2017/10/01-2018/11/30)。金融教育創客課程開發與評估(成淵高中)-子計畫三:課程評量模組建 立與課程評鑑(2/3)。(科技部(原國科會))。MOST 106-2514-S-003-004。協同/共同主持人
  • 方進義(2017/08/01-2018/07/31)。餐廳使用者評論之大數據分析-運用大數據與文字分析探討景觀餐廳關鍵成功因素 、線上受歡迎程度與顧客滿意度之影響(1/2)。(科技部(原國科會))。MOST 106-2410-H-003 -107 -MY2。主持人
  • 方進義(2016/09/01-2017/06/30)。105學年度教育職場4.0打造另類餐旅產業的學習空間與環境。(教育部)。105F0154。主持人
  • 方進義(2016/08/01-2017/07/31)。以共同邊界模型與截斷式迴歸拔靴法探討線上星級評鑑或是星級評鑑影響觀光旅館之營業績效。(科技部(原國科會))。MOST 105-2410-H-003-064。主持人
  • 方進義(2016/08/01-2017/07/31)。選址因素對於運動中心經營績效之影響。(科技部(原國科會))。MOST 105-2410-H-003-048。主持人
  • 方進義(2016/05/03-2016/07/31)。萬元食譜暨人才培育計畫。(其他)。105K0049。主持人
  • 方進義(2016/05/01-2016/12/15)。B-2學術職場接軌第一哩-課程x專案x實習x論文x就業。(教育部)。104E0166。主持人
  • 方進義(2016/02/01-2016/06/15)。教育部青發署補助104學年度第二階段「活動課程*企業實作*專題競賽*企業接軌」。(教育部)。105F0030。主持人
  • 方進義(2014/08/01-2015/07/31)。探討職棒選手薪資與多目標績效指標之內生性影響。(科技部(原國科會))。MOST 103-2410-H-003 -116。主持人
  • 方進義(2014/08/01-2015/07/31)。效率分解在改善菜單績效之擴展與應用。(科技部(原國科會))。MOST 103-2410-H-003 -100 -。主持人
  • 方進義(2013/08/01-2014/07/31)。多目標決策下之菜單餐點組合-整合時間導向作業基礎成本制度與共同邊界模型之資料包絡分析法。(國科會)。NSC 102-2410-H-003 -089。主持人
  • 方進義(2012/08/01-2013/07/31)。寵物代言類型與消費者涉入程度對寵物餐廳網路廣告效率產出差額值之影響。(國科會)。NSC 101-2410-H-003-003。主持人
  • 方進義(2011/11/01-2012/10/31)。探討連鎖餐廳菜單項目與群組分析-菜單工程及資料包絡分析之應用。(國科會)。NSC 100-2622-H-003 -004 -CC3。主持人
  • 方進義(2011/08/01-2012/07/31)。會展活動對台灣上市旅館的獲利效率與市場效率之影響-關聯式二階段資料包絡分析法與截斷式迴歸之應用。(國科會)。NSC 100-2410-H-003 -005。主持人
  • 方進義(2010/09/20-2011/08/31)。餐旅經營管理與財務成本分析「最後一哩」創意實作研究。(其他)。99409。主持人
  • 方進義(2010/08/01-2011/07/31)。經環境變數與統計噪音調整後之台灣旅館業管理效率研究--產出差額變數調整方法之應用。(國科會)。NSC99-2410-H-003-002。主持人
  • 方進義(2010/08/01-2011/07/31)。經環境變數與統計噪音調整後之台灣旅館業管理效率研究--產出差額變數調整方法之應用。(國科會)。NSC99-2410-H-003-002。主持人
  • 方進義(2009/10/01-2010/09/30)。混合型零和利得資料包絡分析模式之發展與應用-以台灣證券商併購前後經營效率與生產力為例。(國科會)。NSC98-2410-H003-144。主持人
  • 方進義(2009/09/01-2010/10/01)。混合型零和利得資料包絡分析模式之發展與應用-以台灣證券商併購前後經營效率與生產力為例。(國科會)。NSC98-2410-H003-144。主持人
  • 方進義(2008/11/01-2009/06/30)。金管會金融知識普及案:金融風暴下的理財與風險管理研討會。(其他政府部門)。0。總主持人
  • 方進義(2008/11/01-2009/06/30)。金管會金融知識普及案:風險管理菁英實務體驗計劃-培養下一個CRO。(其他政府部門)。0。總主持人
  • 方進義(2008/08/01-2009/03/31)。證券相關公會之強化與整合。(非政府部門(如NGO及NPO計畫))。0。總主持人
  • 方進義、鄭右琳 (2024), 按讚會帶來票房? 職棒球隊 Facebook 粉絲專頁行銷訊息效率對於觀眾入場人數之影響, 體育學報 (TSSCI),(已接受)
  • Zhang, H.-J., Fang, C.-Y. Fred, Lin, M.-C. Pearl (2024). AR Service Quality and Adoption Intention in Museums: The Mediating Role of Perceived Value and the Moderating Effect of Intracultural Differences, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism (Scopus, Q2), In Press.
  • Dai, L. W., & Fang, C. Y. (2023). The Role of Corporate Governance in Sustaining the Economy: Examining Its Moderating Effect on Brand Equity and Profitability in Tourism Companies. Sustainability (SSCI), 15(17), 13015.
  • Lin, P. M., Wu, C. H., Fang, C. Y., & Au, W. C. W. (2023). Self-Protective Dining Behavior: An Investigation on Consumer’s Use of Online Food Delivery Service. Journal of China Tourism Research (SCOPUS), 1-25.
  • 蘇榮海, 方進義, 孟蒙, 陳琳, & 徐茂洲. (2023). 知覺行為控制在計畫行為理論中的調節作用: 健康相關行為的元分析結構方程模型. 體育學報 (TSSCI), 56(4). ˋ455-482.
  • 方進義 (2023) 跨域職能提升-應用聊天機器人於運動休閒之營收管理課程之學習效果之影響,體育學報 (TSSCI), 56(S), 1-20. (Leading Article)
  • Fang, C. Y., Chen, P. Y., & Liao, Y. (2023). Factors influencing seniors' willingness to pay intention for exercise in the civil sports and recreation centers. Frontiers in Public Health (SSCI, [2021 Impact factor: 6.46; 18/182 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health], 10, 992500.
  • Fang, C. Y., & Ding, Y.C. (2020). Perspectives of Organizers and Exhibitors on the Performance Assessment of Exhibitors at an International Travel Fair, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 87, 102469. (SSCI, Impact Factor: 9.237).
  • Fang, C. Y. (2020), Perspective of Local Government on the Performance Assessment of District Sports and Leisure Centres, Sustainability, 12, 9094; doi:10.3390/su12219094。 研究亮點網 : https://pr.ntnu.edu.tw/ntnunews/index.php?mode=data&id=21008
  • Lo, Y. C., & Fang, C. Y. (2018). Facebook marketing campaign benchmarking for a franchised hotel. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI), 30(3), 1705-1723.
  • Wang, J., Chen, M. H., Fang, C. Y., & Tian, L. (2018). Does board size matter for Taiwanese hotel performance? Agency theory or resource dependence theory. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 59(4), 317-324. (SSCI)
  • 廖文蘭, 林希軒, & 方進義. (2017). 消費者美感生活型態對景觀餐廳願付額外價格差異之研究. 戶外遊憩研究 (TSSCI), 30(3), 111-153.
  • 蔡予婕, & 方進義. (2015). 國際觀光旅館旅館區位選擇影響營業績效之探究-以臺灣五直轄市為例. 休閒運動管理學刊, (2), 25-32.
  • Chen, M.-H., Hsu, C.-T., & Fang, C.-Y. (2015, Aug). Exploring the determinantsof attendance in the Chinese professional baseball league. Journal ofInformation and Optimization Sciences, 36(5), 461-484. (EI).
  • Fang, C.-Y., & Hsu, F.-S. (2014). An efficiency-based metafrontier approach to menu analysis. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (SSCI), 38(2), 199-221
  • 高秀嘉, 鍾億蓉, & 方進義. (2013). 運動服務產業資金輔導之初探. 運動管理, (21), 15-31.
  • 方進義, 鄭志富, & 林欣慧. (2013). 中華職棒野手球員的國籍, 年資, 球隊效果與換隊頻率對其績效之影響: 1990 年到 2010 年. 體育學報 (TSSCI), 46(3), 291-302.
  • 鍾億蓉, & 方進義. (2013). 運動休閒遊戲應用程式績效評估之初探. 運動管理, (21), 43-52.
  • Chou, S. F., & Fang, C. Y. (2013). Exploring surplus-based menu analysis in Chinese-style fast food restaurants. International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI), 33, 263-272.
  • Fang, C. Y., & Peng, P. Y. J. (2013). Does using an à la carte or combo set menu affect the performance of a teppanyaki-style restaurant?. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI), 25(4), 491-509.
  • Fang, C. Y., Hu, J. L., & Lou, T. K. (2013). Environment-adjusted total-factor energy efficiency of Taiwan's service sectors. Energy Policy (SSCI), 63, 1160-1168.
  • 方進義, 胡均立 (2012/09)。Environment and Statistical Noise-adjusted Efficiency under Zero-sum Gains with an Application to Securities Firms。應用經濟論叢之生產力與效率特刊(91) (TSSCI)。
  • 方進義, & 謝宛婷. (2011). 會展活動與地區特性對觀光旅館經營績效之影響. 餐旅暨觀光, 8(4), 289-305.
  • Fang, C. Y., & Hsu, F. S. (2012). Meal category analysis: an application of the metafrontier approach. Tourism Economics (SSCI), 18(5), 1083-1095.
  • Fang, C. Y., & Hsu, C. L. (2012). EXPLORING FORECASTING MODELS FOR TOURIST ARRIVALS IN INTERNATIONAL TOURIST HOTELS. Actual Problems of Economics (SSCI), 136(10), 518-525
  • Hu, J. L., & Fang, C. Y. (2010). Do market share and efficiency matter for each other? An application of the zero-sum gains data envelopment analysis. Journal of the Operational Research Society (SSCI), 61(4), 647-657.
  • Hu, J. L., & Fang, C. Y. (2010). Managerial efficiency of securities firms under the law-induced financial holding companies in Taiwan. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences (EI), 31(1), 37-62.
  • Fang, C. Y., & Hu, J. L. (2009). A metafrontier study of securities broker and dealer efficiency under zero-sum gains. Invest Manag Financ Innov (Scopus), 6, 53-62.
  • Hu, J. L., Fang, C. Y., & Kuo, T. H. (2009). The Linkage of Global Raw Material Prices and Taiwan's CPI Level. Hu, Jin-Li, Chin-Yi Fang and Tsung-Hsien Kuo (2009)," Linkage of Global Raw Material Prices and Taiwan's CPI Level," Empirical Economics Letters (EconLit), 8(3), 261-270.
  • CHUNG, S. H., & FANG, C. Y. (1993). Using the virtual cell concept for short-term production planning for flexible job shop manufacturing systems. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (SCI), 6(4), 237-251.
  • Fang, C. Y. (2013). Did the financial crisis and policy deregulation for Chinese tourists affect the efficiency and output slacks of taiwanese hotels?. In Quantitative Methods in Tourism Economics (pp. 287-305). Physica-Verlag HD.